1. What are the three stages of financial planning?

Financial planning begins with the protection of wealth, before anything else. It is the first logical step to take, just as the most important player a football manager needs to sign if he were to build his team from scratch would be the goalkeeper. Before any would-be investor could think about wealth accumulation, it would be essential if they first protect what they have, and this would almost always be done with insurance programmes.

The second stage would be the accumulation of wealth. Once a person’s wealth is sufficiently protected with suitable insurance programmes put in place, they may then decide to look for ways outside of active employment to increase their wealth and income. Unless one has a crystal ball or insider investment information, prudent investment strategies would be the way to go. Here is where good advice from a financial planner would be extremely useful as to what their clients should be investing in, given their goals, risk appetite and desired investment tenures.

The final stage of financial planning is the distribution of wealth. When a person feels they have accumulated a comfortable amount of wealth to sustain their lifestyle, it would be advisable for them to consider to whom to leave their wealth in the event they are no longer around. This is done through estate planning which always involves the creation of a will and sometimes a trust, in order to ensure the wealth of a person who has passed away would be distributed according to their wishes and to save the potential beneficiaries and family members from unnecessary headaches. This is all the more important for Muslims as they would be required to adhere to the fara’id law of distribution.


2. What makes Phillip Wealth Planners (PWP) stand out from the average insurance/unit trust agents and financial planners?

Financial planners working with PWP have the access and capacity to distribute insurance products from all but one life insurers and all general insurance companies in Malaysia. Additionally, PWP financial planners also market mutual funds from several local and international fund houses, totalling over 400 in all.

Practically, this means our clients would receive neutral advice as to which products to subscribe to as our financial planners are unbiased, keeping only our clients’ best interests at heart.

As PWP also has the largest amount of of financial planners in its fold compared to our peers, this also ensures our service and education standards are always of the highest level to keep up with the daily servicing and training requests from our planners and most importantly, our clients.


3. What sort of returns can I expect from my investments with Phillip Capital Group?

As with most investments, unless they are capital-protected, there are no guarantees that we would be making a profit. However, rest assured that with the unbiased business nature of the company coupled with the regular professional training and certification courses our financial planners are exposed to regularly, we will be doing our best to ensure you are getting the best financial advice and products in the market.



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