Our company, Phillip Mutual Berhad (PMB) was incorporated in Malaysia on 31 January 2002 under the Companies Act 1965 with paid up capital of RM 10,580,000. The shareholders are Phillip Capital Holdings Sdn Bhd (70%) and Ehsan Astaka Sdn Bhd (30%). As at 30 April 2013, the shareholders‟ funds of our company amounted to RM 5,030,927.72.
We have staff strength of 41 executives as at 30 April 2013 with extensive experience in the unit trust industry within their respective areas of specialization. They are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Funds, reporting to the Board of Directors, Investment Committee, Trustee and the Securities Commission.
We are essentially part of the PhillipCapital Group of companies, a financial conglomerate with interests in stockbroking, futures broking and fund management and information technology. The group was established in 1975, providing a comprehensive range of financial services to retail and institutional customers. Today PhillipCapital Group is firmly established in the financial hubs of Singapore, United Kingdom, USA, France, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, India, Dubai, Cambodia and Australia. The group’s experience of more than 34 years in equities, futures and fund management will be harnessed to produce results consistent with each of the Funds’ objectives.
As at 30 April 2013, we have 2 Funds totaling RM 542,255,729.